What is Student Engagement?

Perhaps a better question would be, How do you know when a student is engaged in learning?

As teachers we have all seen it but I wonder what you do when it happens. You know when a student approaches you and asks a question about what ever it is you have opened their eyes to. Guess what you have engaged with that student. Something you said or did really got their attention. What do you do now you have a students attention? Not an answer I am going to provide right here but whatever it is you do do will determine if that student approaches you again so this is a critical moment in your relationship with that student.

Why a student would be interested in what’s happening at school has many dimensions most of which schools do not cater for so engaging students and then nurturing that engagement is a challenge but not an impossible feat.

Our Prosperity program is all about long term student engagement and your school can start the process by simply registering for the FREE LMS and ePortfolio we provide.